my home sweet home

we're back in the states now.  mommy says i have to make this blog private now.  apparently she thinks there are more crazies here than there are in scotland.  so let me know if you would like access in the future. 

my friends in scotland

i'm going to miss you guys most of all. they were there for my family from the day i was born. it's rare to find such quality people like these. i'm sad i can't take them back to the states with me.

my thanksgiving day

we don't celebrate it here in scotland, but happy thanksgiving for you all who are in the states.  in honor of thanks giving... here is a video of me dancing to a song from the tv show glee.

my walking progress

i walked back and forth to mommy and daddy on my walker today.  this is the first time mommy trusted me enough to walk it on my own without her right behind me.  she really needs to chill.  she's always so worried about me getting hurt.

my halloween

we didn't go trick-or-treating today nor did we get any trick or treaters.  i dressed up in my halloween suitable outfit that auntie amber gave me when we were visiting dallas.  yup it still fits.  it actually fits perfectly now.

my clapping hands

daddy was away most of the weeks again.  daddy missed my hands clapping for the first time.  i haven't stopped since.  i made this video to send to daddy.  it's me clapping.  =)

my first visit to the new doctor's office

we had to find a new doctor's office, because we moved to another town.  today was baby clinic day.  i thought i was going there to get weighed and check on a nappy rash.  but just as i was getting dressed and leaving... i get two jabs at the same time in each arm!  i cried =(.  this was by far the hardest i have cried because of shots.  good news is i won't have to have another shot until i'm 4 or so.

now that i am a year old the doctors are no longer counting my corrected age.  the last time i was weighed and charted i was 14 lbs 10 oz and on the 2nd percentile line.  this of course takes my corrected age in consideration.  today i am 18 lbs 8 oz and on the 9th percentile line not taking my corrected age in consideration.  maybe mommy will relax now and stop trying to cram so much food down my throat.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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